Bolivia at Jess’s!
January 23rd - 2022
Rachel - Sopa de Mani, a beef, peanut, potato, macaroni soup topped with fries!
Mindy - Not Sure - Need Recipe!
Ritee - Api with Pasteles
Jess - Rellenos des Papas
Genevieve - Budin de coco (coconut pudding) + cocadas (coconut macaroons)
Annette - Bolivian Salteñas
Bolivian cuisine stems from the combination of Spanish cuisine with indigenous ingredients and Aymara traditions, among others, with later influences from Germans, Italians, French, and Arabs due to the arrival of immigrants from those countries. The traditional staples of Bolivian cuisine are corn, potatoes, quinoa and beans. These ingredients have been combined with a number of staples brought by the Spanish, such as rice, wheat, and meat, including beef, pork, and chicken.
Bolivian cuisine differs by geographical locations. In Western Bolivia in the Altiplano, due to the high, cold climate cuisine tends to use spices, whereas in the lowlands of Bolivia in the more Amazonian regions dishes consist of products abundant in the region: fruits, vegetables, fish and yuca.